Previous Meets
Training / Meet Prep
I was recovering from a low back injury in May, then I did a strongwoman competition in August, then I did Project Momentum. I mostly regained my squat and deadlift, and I improved bench a lot. Still weighing in 14 lbs under my weight class.
Thoughts / Conclusions
I feel kind of dumb for taking two tries to hit a squat and a deadlift that I could definitely do, but at least I got them. This was my first time travelling far far away for a meet, so with the airplane ride and not preparing food, eating is really weird, so I weighed in a few pounds less than usual. I will age out of juniors by next nationals, so I will have to hit a much higher total to qualify next year. Also, when assembling my home gym, I bought an Ohio Bar as opposed to the Ohio Power Bar, so I was training on a bar that is whippier than is used in competition, so that made deadlifts a bit harder.
Overall, I've got a PR total, and I think I did a pretty good job. I had a great time competing, watching the primetime lifters, and meeting all these strong people.
Going forward